What Should You Look For When Buying Gymnastics Mats?

What Should You Look For When Buying Gymnastics Mats?

Getting started with gymnastics? Need a mat to carry out the related activities comfortably and excellently. Here are some points that you need to look for when buying the finest mats.

Type Of The Mats

While you are making efforts to buy the best gymnastics mats available around, you must consider the type of mats you need. As an instance, you may need folding mats, incline mats, balance beams and so on depending upon the specific activities you wish to get engaged in. It lets you choose and get the most viable option that may serve your purpose well.

Weight Of The Mats

The weight of the mats is also an important point worth keeping in mind when you are making a choice on the finest mats. You must give preference to lightweight mats only as these can be carried from one place to the other in an easy manner.  Additionally, you may store such mats effortlessly. At the same time, it is also important to make sure that the mats are able to bear and support your body weight excellently.


The size of different types of mats meant for gymnastics varies greatly. It may depend upon the body size of the users. Also, you need to consider the age group for which mats are meant as there are differently sized mats for children and adults. Check the size of the mats properly before buying the same.


One of the most important features to look for in the mats for gymnastics purposes is their thickness. Since these mats are meant to offer you the requisite cushioning, support and protection, therefore, these must be appropriately thick. Also, the thickness may depend upon the activity to be performed on the mats.

Easy To Clean And Maintain

Following usage, mats surely need to be cleaned. Therefore it is important to check if the specific mats to be attained by you are easy to be cleaned and maintained.


Finally, you must check the prices of the gymnastics mats as well before you get one for your needs. You must opt for affordable mats that are assured of good quality in all respects.

These are some of the important things that you need to look for when buying mats in order to get engaged in gymnastics and remain safe in all respects. By being careful, you may get the finest options available around.

All about Hallux valgus

All about Hallux valgus

It is a widespread misalignment of the big toe. The big toe deviates noticeably towards the outer edge of the foot and displaces the smaller toes there. This misalignment overloads the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, which in the long term can lead to painful osteoarthritis of the big toe and this needs a bunion surgery.


The protruding ball of the foot at the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe becomes painfully inflamed and can swell. The big toe no longer points straight forward, but in the direction of the little toes. At the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, calluses often form due to the conflict with the shoes at the point of exostosis overbone. In many cases, bursitis on the ball of the toe accompanies hallux valgus. The changed load distribution from the big toe to the neighboring little toes often leads to so-called transfer metatarsal pain. There are numerous conservative methods for treating hallux valgus and for relieving foot pain .

bunion surgery

An early switch to healthy shoes with plenty of toe space and consistent conservative treatment can delay the progression of hallux valgus. You should therefore not wait too long with the therapy after the malalignment has occurred.

If the conservative treatment of hallux valgus no longer brings any improvement, the orthopedic surgeon will consider surgery. It should also be quick. The increasing stiffening of the big toe joint and the misalignment of the neighboring toes of the foot make hallux valgus more and more difficult to operate over time. Long-term consequential damage such as hallux rigidus arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe then becomes increasingly severe.

Hallux valgus pain:

  • The ball of the toe, which is painful to pressure, becomes inflamed and presses against the inside of the shoe.
  • Displaced little toes ( hammer toes , claw toes ) lead to further forefoot deformities.
  • Metatarsal pain occurs because the big toe is no longer fully used and the little toes are overloaded.
  • Arthritis pain in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe is caused by wear and tear on the joint.

The conservative treatment options should be fully exhausted before the decision to operate. This is foreseeable after six months after conservative therapy. Only if the feet are much less resilient in everyday life, the hallux valgus is already painful and mobility is restricted, is it medically justified to recommend the operation. The conservative measures are primarily intended to contain the deformity. A real improvement through conservative treatment is normally only possible in the growing skeleton, i.e. in very young patients.