dosimetry center

If you work in the health sector, then you must have heard of the word personal dosimeter. Or in case you work with some of the workers who are exposed to some kind of ionising radiation, there also you may have heard of the word personal dosimeter. In medical centres, it is quite common that hazards of different types can take place anytime. In all healthcare centres, it becomes important to make sure that these hazards are prevented. This can be possible by taking help from a company that provides such services. There are a lot of detectors present on the personal dosimeter that exhibit some kind of property that allows accumulating information related to the dosage amount which is received because of radiation. If you are looking for centro de dosimetría in Spain which in English means a dosimetry center, then you can certainly refer to UTPR. UTPR has been offering their services for many years. For the past many years, they have formed a strong profile and have been working towards making it the best. For preventing these occupational hazards they offer Prevention Services Regulations by following all the current rules and regulations. They make sure that a centre has safe work, maintains hygiene, and more.

centro de dosimetría

Information about personal dosimeter

This particular device is used by those workers who get regular exposure to some ionising radiation. This device is carried by them during their work so that this device can help them in detecting the radiation. With the help of platforms like UTPR, you can certainly get the necessary accreditations and follow the regulations as well. As per the health protection regulation which is conducted against these ionising radiations, it is mandatory for a worker, especially for those who fall in category A to carry a personal dosimeter for the whole body. As of now in Spain, dosimetric surveillance needs to be carried out once a month which should be conducted by a personal dosimetry service (SDPE). This particular SDPE service is authorised by CSN, which stands for Nuclear Safety Council of Spain. Well, UTPR is one of the best organisations which provides you with dosimetry services following all the regulations which are currently required in Spain. Not only this, but they also have thousands of users situated throughout Spain that have preferred to get their dosimetry services.