
Colonoscopy: How Is The Preparation, Procedure, And Screening

A colonoscopy examines the bowels using a scope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera, and light. It helps identify issues, such as:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Polyps
  • Ulcers

Considering Colonoscopy in Singapore?

What is a colonoscopy?

During the colonoscopy, the doctor checks for disease or abnormalities in the large intestine, particularly in the colon. A colonoscope is used for the colonoscopy procedure. The colon will assist to form the gastrointestinal tract’s lowest part. The colon is linked to the anus via the rectum. During the colonoscopy, the doctor removes abnormal tissue or takes tissue samples for the biopsy.Considering Colonoscopy in Singapore? Click here to learn more.

Colorectal Cancer

Why perform colonoscopy?

The screening helps the doctor to:

  1. Look for the signs of cancers and some other conditions.
  2. Explore the causes of changes in bowel habits.
  3. Evaluate symptoms of bleeding or abdominal pain.
  4. Find a reason for the unexplained chronic constipation, weight loss, or diarrhea.

Colonoscopy screening

Colonoscopy is performed by screening, for colorectal cancer and other conditions. It is recommended once every ten years for patients who meet all these criteria:

  1. 50-70 years old
  2. The average risk of colorectal cancer
  3. The life expectancy of ten years

There is a recommendation for one-time colonoscopy for people:

  1. 50-79 years old
  2. The average risk of the colorectal cancer
  3. At least a 3% chance of developing colorectal cancer within 15 years

It is recommended to begin the screening at the age of 45 years old, which doctors determine to start screenings based on the patients’ needs. If you are at an increased risk for colorectal cancer, more procedures are needed.

Patients recommended being screened often, every 1-5 years including:

  1. People with polyps removed within a previous colonoscopy
  2. Persons with colorectal cancer from the past.
  3. People with hereditary condition of colorectal cancer
  4. People with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
What Are Uti Supplements? Know Here

What Are Uti Supplements? Know Here

Although it can also impact the organs and ureters, a urethra system illness (UTI) predominantly concerns the lungs and urethra. Females are more prone to the disease, which affects 50 to 60 % of females annually. Below are 8 organic remedies and supplements which could aid in the treatment and healing of minor UTIs: Here you will get to know more about uti supplements.


Soluble carbohydrates like D-mannose are widely used to both treat and heal minor UTIs. It can be found spontaneously in many meals, such as cranberries, apples, and oranges, but when used as a UTI therapy, it is typically taken as flour.

Although its exact mechanism of action is unknown, many scientists think D-mannose prevents some pathogenic microorganisms from clinging to tissues in the bladder system, allowing medication quicker for pathogens to be drained off while they might cause people harm.

uti supplements

The ursi

Arctostaphylos uva ursi, also described as bearberry leaf, is another name for uva ursi, a herbal treatment for UTIs that has long been utilized in conventional and ancient cures. It comes from a particular species of untamed flowering plant which flourishes all over Northern America, Asia, and Europe.

Bearberry leaf is a plant whose stems were utilized to manufacture natural medication and whose fruits are a preferred feast for bears.


It is one of the uti supplements. A well-liked herb, garlic has a long heritage of use in both conventional and medical procedures. It’s frequently used medicinally to cure a variety of bodily maladies.

Allicin, a sulfur-containing molecule found in garlic, is typically thought to be responsible for its medicinal properties.


Juices and concentrates made from blackberries are probably the greatest often used organic and unconventional remedies for UTIs. Raspberry protects UTIs, as shown in test-tube and pet studies, while people’s studies had shown much lower compelling evidence.

D-mannose, hippuric acid, and anthocyanins are just a few of the many pharmacological substances found in blackberries that may reduce the potential of harmful microorganisms to cling to the bladder system, thwarting its proliferation and capacity to create an infection.

Wrapping Up

The foliage of the Magnolia china tree is used to make greenish tea. It has been utilized for ages in a range of conventional therapeutic therapies due to its extensive toxicological potential. Polyphenols are a class of plant chemicals that are abundant in greenish drinks. In test-tube studies, the greenish drink ingredient Epigallocatechol (EGC) has shown strong defensive activity towards E. coli isolates that can cause urinary tract infections.