Sunekos Eye treatment

Sunekos is an injectable procedure that is fundamentally distinct from filler procedures; this procedure employs a patented formula that mixes hyaluronic acid and amino acids, which are the fundamental components of elastin and collagen. Your skin’s Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) is renewed by Sunekos. It is perfect if you wish to improve ageing indications and restore your skin’s youthful appearance. It is a special injectable made of hyaluronic acid and a proprietary mixture of six amino acids that encourages dermal tissue ECM regeneration and increases the body’s own manufacture of collagen and elastin, especially Type 4 Collagen. Sunekos dark eye circle treatmente, a product created by Sunekos Laboratories, an Italian R&D firm that specialises in formulae based on amino acids for medicinal use, has been clinically shown to help lessen and enhance indications of ageing around the eyes. It is also called Dark eye circles treatment.

  • Eye Circles, Dark Removal
  • Improvement for Mild Tear Trough & Eye Bag
  • Reduced Under-Eye Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Replacement of Natural Volume Loss by Skin Health Restoration

It functions by inducing the formation of collagen and elastin by injecting a specific combination of proprietary amino acids and hyaluronic acid, allowing the repair of the extracellular matrix. This procedure aids in the restoration and rebuilding of the supporting tissue for better skin elasticity and natural skin volume to lessen the appearance of dark under-eye circles and wrinkles for a rested appearance!

Sunekos dark eye circle treatmente

Working Of Sunekos Eye Treatment :

A novel injectable therapy called Sunekos contains hyaluronic acid and amino acids. It corrects and shields the dermis from ageing by causing the fibroblasts in the skin to create a full mixture of collagen and elastin.

A unique combination of amino acids and hyaluronic acid promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are the primary structural elements of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Through a process known as dermal biogenesis, which literally translates to “skin regeneration,” it rebuilds your skin by mending any damaged skin and enhancing your own natural production of collagen and elastin. skin sagging, loss of tone, and significant wrinkles ageing skin, hydration loss, scarring from acne sun damage, eye bags under the eyes, wrinkles and fine lines. An injectable skin treatment called Sunekos uses a unique blend of amino acids and hyaluronic acid. Elastin stimulation can also help decrease eye bags and sunken eyes.